Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Immune Cells Predict Neck Cancer Therapy

This is a picture of someone undergoing treatment for a head cancer

"Immune Cells predict Neck Cancer Therapy." United Press International. United Press International, 27 Apr 2010. Web. 28 Apr 2010. .
  • Cancer treatments more predictable with use of immune cells.

  • Observation of level of immune cells in neck or head helps determine cancer treatments.

  • Looking at level of immune cells through microscope can help determine the minimum toxicity need to treat the infection.

  • High level of killer T cells located in HPV-positive patients.

  • Even better when surveying whether pateint is HPV positive or negative.


When I read the title of this article, I thought "Isn't this obvious?", at first. I figured that even a layman could work this out. But as i read the story, I realized that it is more complicated and confusing than it seems. I chose this article to examine because it involves both parts of the immune system and cancer in its content. Neck and head cancer is very serious and can be very deadly. My cousin actually was in a situation with similar consequences just yesterday. She had a brain hemorrhage that was leaking blood and she was in a lot of danger. The surgery was successful, but it will take awhile for her to rehabilitate. Cancer is similar to this situation in both danger and consequence, the strongest being death. I hope that this testing will help create better treatments for patients, and maybe even my cousin. This story has helped me understand that simple yet effective processes can help scientists with difficult studies.

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