Friday, May 7, 2010

Stomach Cancer on the Rise Among White Adults

Reinberg, Steven. "Stomach Cancer on the Rise Among Young, White Adults." Medicine Net. Medicine Net, 04 May 2010. Web. 07 May 2010. .
  • Though stomach cancer is supposedly decreasing, it is actually increasing in the young, white population.
  • The main cause of lower stomach cancer is infection with the bacteria helicobacter pylori while cancer in the upper stomach is often caused by acid reflux.
  • Young white people have increased rates in gastric cancer (Ages 25-39)
  • Over 30 years, the rate of lower stomach cancer dropped from 5.9 to 4.0 per 100,000 people among whites, from 13.7 to 9.5 per 100,000 among blacks, and from 17.8 to 11.7 per 100,000 among other racial groups.


This article actually surprises me for many reasons. Caucasian people have better living conditions than other racial groups, which would normally make them for protected from other diseases that are more easily caught in less sanitary environments. You would think that minorities would be infected more often with diseases because the majority of them live in less protected environments and areas. Then again, perhaps is is solely caused by the types of food people eat, and how much of it they eat. Obesity could be a factor in this unusual increase, but most likely the main cause of the cancer is smoking, simply because smoking can easily damage your internal body, especially your lungs and stomach. I would like to believe that it is simply a hereditary problem, because if need to be, it can be found more easily and weeded out. This has enlightened me on the topic on evolution, for it involves the steps of a Darwinian theory, and this is a real live example.

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