Monday, May 10, 2010

Study Sheds Light on the Evolution of Lizards

This is a picture of a lizard, climbing a branch, that is trying to blend with its environment.

"Study sheds light on the evolution of lizards." DNA India. Dilligent Media Corporation Ltd. , 10 May 2010. Web. 10 May 2010. .
  • New research discovers that competition not predation is the primary selective force in island lizards.
  • Scientists take lizards from islands, enhance predation in one environment and take it away in another. Did not prove much difference.
  • Faster lizards survived better, while the slow ones were not as successful.
  • Large, high stamina, long-legged lizards survived better than small, wimpy ones.


To me, this discovery is somewhat surprising. Normally people think that a population would go extinct due to too many predators eating the inhabitants. Of course, a factor in this that is connected to predators could be that the predators were settled nearby the lizards' food sources and only the fit ones were able to grab food and make it out alive. This is a clear example of survival of the fit, which is part of Darwin's theory of evolution. The fitness of the lizards probably came from outrunning predators and it happened upon some by chance. As the weak are weeded out, there will be a change in variation and eventually the fit lizards will be dominant in the population. A helpful teaching article, this story has aided me in the understanding of evolution and the need to survive in the environment.

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