Monday, March 8, 2010

Methane May Cause Drastic Climate Change

Hanley, Charles J. "Natural Occuring Methane Vents May Spell Climate Trouble." CNS News. Associated Press, 31 Aug 2009. Web. 08 Mar 2010. .
  • Methane is a naturally occurring gas that has been contributing to the recent climate change.
  • The temperature in the Arctic is rising higher and it is possible that the temperature can go up another 13 Degrees Fahrenheit in the century.
  • Methane plumes are popping up all over the permafrost tundra.
  • The permafrost is warming, and has reached a temperature of 28 degrees Fahrenheit, as opposed to a lower temperature.

  • The permafrost is melting, and there is a chance that a massive release of methane could let out an estimated 50 billion tons of methane.

This story tells us information that affects out lives very greatly. I chose it because the temperature increase is very dangerous to us. Our body's normal temperature is around the high 90 degrees. Any 2-3 degrees higher may result in a fever and the body will have difficulty operating at such a high temperature. If the climate goes up any more, then so will our body temperature. Too hot, and we might just boil all the liquids in our bodies. I feel that regular people like us can do something to help, by using less gas and prevent releasing so much carbon dioxide into the air. There are some factors that are not our direct fault too. Global Warming, which is indirectly our fault, is causing the permafrost to melt and the methane plumes to rise up. If we stay environmentally safe, it will slow down the temperature rise. This article has taught me that the study of the environment and biology in general is a very important topic that certainly needs paying attention to. If ignored, it could possibly be our undoing of life.

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